You have reached the core of Walt Whitman's "Prairies and Plains," the defining American landscape. Don't let the word plain fool you though. There is much to do here along the Arkansas River! Enjoy a tour of the Wetlands and Wildlife National Scenic Byway, venture out to the vast wetlands that bookend our town, Cheyenne Bottoms and Quivira National Wildlife Refuge. Visit our downtown area where you will delight in strolling the Birdhouse Art Walk and the Kansas Quilt Walk. While you are downtown, take time to browse the wide array of retail establishments. Great Bend offers tourists the broadest selection of food and lodging choices in the region, where you can unwind in the comfort of small-town America. No matter your interest or time, Great Bend is your home for exploring these parts of the Plains!
Barton County Historical Society Museum and Village- local history from the Santa Fe Trail to World War II
For more information on Great Bend - check out their visitor center - http://www.visitgreatbend.com/
For events happening in Great Bend, go here for a list of upcoming attractions - http://www.visitgreatbend.com/Events/CalendarofEvents/